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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 135/365
1 streak
Day 1,091
Day 1,090
Day 1,089
Day 1,088
Day 1,087
Day 1,086
Day 1,085
The Old House
This house will not be around for long. The property where it stands is now up for sale.
Day 1,084
Day 1,083
First Train Ride In Months
Day 1,082
Sign Of The Times
I went to my local ALDI this morning and as I was leaving I saw this car and what was hanging from its rear view mirror caught my at...
Day 1,081
Day 1,080
Severe Storm Coming
Day 1,079
Sheep Grazing
Day 1,078
Photo Of The Day Framed
I've started mounting some of the photos I have taken in the last 12 months. I can honestly say that I've become a bit better...
Day 1,077
Start The Year With A Streak Photo
Day 1,076
No Fireworks
Russell is not a fan of loud noises especially fireworks. Each year he has to go through this night suffering terribly. This time because...
Day 1,075
Day 1,074
Favourite Activity
Day 1,073
Day 1,072
Day 1,071
Day 1,070
Day 1,069
After The Christmas Mass
Christmas in Australia is bright and warm/hot. Singing 'White Christmas' or 'Jingle Bells' just doesn't sound right.
Day 1,068