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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 135/365
1 streak
Day 1,043
Time For Study
Trying to learn a new PHP framework, Laravel, for a possible web application development project.
Day 1,042
Looking At The Birds
Day 1,041
Christmas Is 4 Weeks Away
Day 1,040
Day 1,039
Theme Photo
Day 1,038
Day 1,037
Taking A Break
Day 1,036
I went to an actual junkyard today and it was a most interesting place. There were bits and pieces of everything from the smallest things lik...
Day 1,035
Day 1,034
Day 1,033
Day 1,032
Christmas Present Idea
Day 1,031
Day 1,030
Two weeks ago this is how it looked like I am now thinking of some improvements I can make but not yet.
Day 1,029
Day 1,028
The Storm That Did Not Happen
It was predicted that a storm was coming this afternoon. After much wind and dark threatening clouds all we got were a f...
Day 1,027
Day 1,026
Three Trees
Day 1,025
Day 1,024
Reflecting Russell
Day 1,023
Zale Moth
Day 1,022
She's Engaged!
Second daughter got engaged today.
Day 1,021
Day 1,020