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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 130/365
1 streak
Day 779
Sign Of The Times
Day 780
Sydney Opera House and St Mary's Cathedral
Day 781
The Sydney Symphony Orchestra (SSO)
My daughter and I watched a performance of the SSO tonight. Here they are a few minutes before the start of the co...
Day 782
ANZAC Memorial
Day 783
Day 784
Harbour Bridge and Opera House
This is a recurring subject but this time I took the photo from the other side of the bridge where it is in the foregro...
Day 785
A Flock of Young White Cuckatoos
Day 786
Empty Platform
The were a lot less people taking the train home today as more and more people are working from home and avoiding large crowds. I took...
Day 787
Blue Disks
No. of train passengers decreasing rapidly as more and more people work remotely.
Day 788
Two Cruise Ships
Day 789
My New Office
With Work From Home looming...I found the perfect place to work.
Day 790
The 'New' Rush Hour
This is how the afternoon rush hour looks like. As the days go on I think there will be less and less people out and about.
Day 791
Mr Pelican
Day 792
Day 793
Day 794
On My Way To Work
An early start...
Day 795
Common Sight
With the restrictions in place and trying to keep safe the options for taking photos is slightly less. As each day passes by there are le...
Day 796
Almost There
Day 797
Use It As Often As Possible
Day 798
Life After The Bushfires
Went for a drive today to an area where the massive bushfires of January 2020 occurred. Along the way one can see the destruc...
Day 799
Is There Food?
Before this photo was taken he was asleep and then he heard some noise coming from the kitchen, woke up and had this face.
Day 800
Empty Station
Quiet. No one is around anymore. Everyone is staying away from the city.
Day 801
Social Distancing
Day 802
Mirror Image