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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 135/365
1 streak
Day 851
Madonna And Child
Day 850
A Cup of Black Coffee
Day 849
Day 848
Life Is Good
Day 847
Flowers For Mum
Flowers from my eldest daughter for Mother's Day.
Day 846
Water Droplets
I used a 20mm extension tube and a 50mm prime lens.
Day 845
Day 844
Crossing The Bridge
Day 843
Large Spotted Ladybird Larvae and Victim
As an adult it looks like this:
Day 842
Vegemite An Australian Icon
Day 841
Large Spotted Ladybird
Simiar to
Day 840
Day 839
Orange Sky
Another sunset photo taken from the same location I pass by when I ride my bike.
Day 838
Moon With Clouds
A cloudy afternoon which continued until the evening prevented me from having a clear shot at the moon. It then became a race as the...
Day 837
Late Afternoon At The Park
Day 836
Today's Bike Ride Statistics
A bike computer can provide all these numbers that one can use to analyse their ride.
Day 835
Red Rumped Parrot
Day 834
100% Fully Charged
Day 833
Power Lines
Day 832
Speedlight Exercise
Day 831
Madonna and Child
I took this photo using the speedlight that I bought from Amazon and got delivered today.
Day 830
Day 829
Jack Jumper Ant
A species of venomous ant native to Australia.
Day 828
Leaf Curling Spider