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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 130/365
1 streak
Day 1,388
Day 1,387
Day 1,386
Day 1,385
Men At Work
Day 1,384
A shop specializing in Japanese clothing and products.
Day 1,383
Cashew Vendors
Visited the church of Our Lady of Good Voyage and these two women were happy to pose for a photo. They are selling cashew nuts and othe...
Day 1,382
Day 1,381
Day 1,380
Street Food
Food carts like this one are quite common in the little side streets of the business district. Drivers of executives, cleaners, and simple...
Day 1,379
View From The Pedestrian Bridge
Day 1,378
Day 1,377
The Jeepney is the most common form of public transportation in the Philippines. It is called Jeepney because the very first ones were conver...
Day 1,376
At The Airport
I'm visiting my sister in the Philippines. The last time we saw each other was in October 2017. The photos of the next 15 days will be...
Day 1,375
Warm Afternoon
Day 1,374
Paint Brushes
Day 1,373
Day 1,372
A New Toy
Not the latest and greatest from DJI but good enough to learn something new.
Day 1,371
Church Pews
Day 1,370
Day 1,369
Bushwalking Day
The good thing about going for a walk on non-weekend days is that you have the trail to yourself. The only thing you hear are the bird...
Day 1,368
Another Night At The Gym
Day 1,367
Heritage House
Visited a friend from my university days and this is where he lives.
Day 1,366
Bench At Night
Day 1,365