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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 135/365
1 streak
Day 635
Driving Home
Day 634
View From The 26th Floor
This is the view on the other side of our office. The other side can been seen in this photo
Day 633
Sydney Train
Day 632
Day 631
Row of Dumbells
Another night at the gym.
Day 630
Saturday At IKEA
Looked for a recliner which we found and bought. It is now installed in the bedroom.
Day 629
Good Bye
For over 100 years the NSW Land Titles Office have occupied this building and today we say goodbye as we move to new premises next week.
Day 628
View From Level 27
Moving to this office location tomorrow. You can see the white sails of the Sydney Opera House in the background. St. Mary's Cathed...
Day 627
Looking Up At St Mary's
Day 626
The Phone Call
Day 625
MLC Centre
Looking up from the foyer of the MLC Centre in Sydney. This is one of the taller buildings in the central business district.
Day 624
Curly chips and double patty burger.
Day 623
Gym Night
Day 622
Rainy Day
Day 621
One Flower
Day 620
Waiting To Cross (2)
Day 619
Waiting To Cross
Day 618
Portable Speakers
Day 617
Shrine of the Holy Innocents
Day 616
Day 615
Just Buildings
Day 614
April Half Moon
Day 613
Easter Eggs
Day 612
Looking Up