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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 130/365
1 streak
Day 1,470
Day 1,469
Day 1,468
Day 1,467
Day 1,466
Day 1,465
Practice using some DIY lighting.
Day 1,464
Day 1,463
Queen sacrifice!
Day 1,462
Day 1,461
Phillip finished 365 project #4!
Day 1,460
After 6 and a bit years I finally completed 4 years of uploads. Maybe, it's time to get back to maintaining a streak?
Day 1,459
Day 1,458
Day 1,457
Day 1,456
Retro Building Design in Sydney
Day 1,455
Day 1,454
Day 1,453
Day 1,452
Day 1,451
Day 1,450
Willie Wagtail
I went closer to take another photo and wondered why it did not even fly away. I then noticed that its left wing is out of place and mo...
Day 1,449
Day 1,448
Looking Out
Day 1,447