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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 131/365
1 streak
Day 1,340
Gym Night
Day 1,339
Homemade Protein Bars
First attempt using dates, homemade peanut butter, rolled oats, mixed nuts, and raisins. In the oven for 15 minutes at 150 degre...
Day 1,338
Day 1,337
Two Sea Gulls
A watercolour painting by my wife.
Day 1,336
Looking Out
Day 1,335
Day 1,334
Day 1,333
Fire Hydrant
Day 1,332
Deja Vu
Very similar photo to the one I took exactly a year ago.
Day 1,331
Friendly Game
Day 1,330
Shadow Play
Day 1,329
View From The 34th Floor
The Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House in view.
Day 1,328
Mount Banks
After a long while (4.5 months) I was able to go bushwalking again. I've always wanted to see this place (I used to see the sign from the...
Day 1,327
Being Local Tourists
A small town with quite a few number of interesting shops. The best one (not in the photo) is the shop that sold all kinds of fud...
Day 1,326
Pinnacle Rocks
Day 1,325
Beach View
Day 1,324
Boardwalk And Trees
After several days of being overcast, it is good to see a bright and sunny day again.
Day 1,323
Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo
Day 1,322
A Shed At The End Of The Lane
Day 1,321
Looking Out To The Sea
View from the river mouth to the sea.
Day 1,320
Pambula Beach On A Late Afternoon
After a long while, it is good to be able to go and take photos again.
Day 1,319
Forrester's Beach
Day 1,318
Milky Way
Not the best location as it was quite bright. Need to increase the ISO.
Day 1,317
End of Autumn.