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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 135/365
1 streak
Day 1,403
Central Station Clock Tower
Day 1,402
Day 1,401
Day 1,400
Day 1,399
3 Seats
Day 1,398
Day 1,397
Windsor Uniting Church
Day 1,396
Playing with super-macro option.
Day 1,395
Wooden Bench
Day 1,394
Day 1,393
First Day of Issue - Apollo Moon Landing
When I was young I did a bit of stamp collecting and I didn't know that my sister kept my stamp albums all th...
Day 1,392
Waiting For The Train
Day 1,391
See You Next Time
Tonight, I fly back home.
Day 1,390
Waiting In Line
This is a usual sight at the end of the working day. People queue up to get a ride in the jeepney. There are people whose job is to sh...
Day 1,389
Protected Cat
This cat is one of several that freely roam in the park right in the middle of the shopping complex. The cats are not feral and are quit...
Day 1,388
Day 1,387
Day 1,386
Day 1,385
Men At Work
Day 1,384
A shop specializing in Japanese clothing and products.
Day 1,383
Cashew Vendors
Visited the church of Our Lady of Good Voyage and these two women were happy to pose for a photo. They are selling cashew nuts and othe...
Day 1,382
Day 1,381
Day 1,380
Street Food
Food carts like this one are quite common in the little side streets of the business district. Drivers of executives, cleaners, and simple...