freyr Thanks a lot! Yep, it would (-; But when I make a list of what should I buy... I always come back to the thought "First pull out the best of what you have now and only then expand your equipment" - I still don't feel like camera is an extension to my arm and there are soo many functions I still don't know and won't get to know If I start to buy "new toys" and look for new things in them (-:
bvphotosnap I agree!! When I don't have my tripod I always find a near by railing, tree or occasionally use the shoulder of a friend :) The timer will be perfect for anything under 30 seconds.
freyr Exactly! Necessity is the mother of invention - it kinda helps to develop creativity, haha :D
bvphotosnap Fantastic capture!! A remote would also be helpful when in bulb mode :)