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freyr It's better this way - I mean when swans are a little "agressive"... because when they're not bad things happen to them. I was really angry when I heard about a "lady" which took selfie with a swan and by the way broke its neck (it was in Macedonia I think) or latest events in Poland - poisoned black swans or... decapitated (!) ones. Tragic. Sorry for digression. I really like the photo - I wouldn't say that the photo is not great - for me it is (but obv I'm far from being an expert in photography). I really like the perspective and the moment you captured. (-;

Markus Jansson Thanks @freyr! And I totally agree with you. Wild animals should be treated with respect. I hate when people's stupidity cause animals harm (did you see the story about the stranded baby dolphin a while back?). I took a step back when he approached and that seemed to satisfy him. I was ready to back up further if he still felt agitated.

I don't hate the picture myself (and I'm no expert either). I quite like the angle – whenever you can get close and on the same level as the person or animal you're photographing it's a plus. I would however have liked a better framing (more space above his head), and the exposure and focus is a bit off.

freyr No, I didn't see the story before, but I read about it now. Yup, people stupidity is really scary sometimes. But cruelty also...
Yes, it's a great plus. I think that more space above him would diminish him and make him look less threateningly (-;

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