Jennifer Faye Thank you @nick! I had animal sounds on my phone to try and get her attention but that didn't seem to work too well. I think a part of the problem as well was that she had just woken up from a nap. I will have to get some squeaky toys for sure! I thought about straightening up the photo in Photoshop and may go back and do that. Thanks for the feedback!
JudithO Congrats on 100 !!
Nick Graham Congrats! I like your photos, Jennifer. Keep them coming.
As for the little one, what works best for my little guy is using a high pitched voice calling his name, squeaky toys and or favorite toy, and peekaboo. Oh,and lots of patience and silliness. If you keep smiling, they should get the idea eventually.
I actually really like that shot of the family, by the way. Nothing wrong with it at all. Nice colors. Just a personal preference, but I hardly ever tilt my portraits (the trees look a little off balance).