Tomasz Wiśniewski Thank you 😊
Katrina Yu
Fibonacci spiral??? Such a good choice!!
I love the meaning of fibonacci spiral, in terms of the beauty of growth, but I'm curious on how you interpret it Tomasz.
Tomasz Wiśniewski I am too amazed by all of the applications of the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio, the ones that are directly correlated to life and nature and the ones fully theoretical. But it mostly is a symbol of something I fell in love with completely out of the blue - science, it, maths, questioning everything and being inquisitive. It is directly related to my choice of studies and profession , which was a wild guess back when I was 18.
Tomasz Wiśniewski I've just realised how nerdy it sounds. Anyway - it is a personal reminder :D
Katrina Yu Haha, I think it's a beautiful answer (Miss Universe pageant worthy ;) ) Thank you for sharing such a personal thought, may you never run out of courage in pursuing your dreams!
Magdalena Szary Little clouds ❤️☁️
lisek Nice 😍