Paweł Kadysz This is a self portrait, none to assist. I set up f/14 so that I get as much of the face in focus as possible. Also the strobe was right above my head. And even with the lowest power it was hard to get the pic underexposed.
Łukasz Kowalewski Nice shoot. Recommend -
Paweł Kadysz I'll try that, not every single one since I only have one strobe. Also it is hard to experiment when you have no model, a patient model. Shooting self portraits takes a lot longer and is just frustrating without a flippy LCD. Sometimes it takes few photos just to get myself in the shot :P
Kevin Drum I have never thought to go as narrow as f/14 when shooting a face. I'm always trying to blur the background, but here you've left it in the dark instead, so the details are sharp. You opened my mind.