Daniel Zaleski + 1 grammar mistake (sorry I really had to look for the mistakes before reading your comment)
Jana Babackova All wrong :( I will make better sheet next time, when new postcards come. That is why I am making usualy sheet twice - the mockup and its final version - but no time today, webinar using pacific time waits...
Daniel Zaleski Don't be sad. I believe you made it intentionally - just to check if anybody spends some time looking for the mistakes :) (I would rather skip reading my own comments / posts as my English is not the best). I am really amazed by your dedication and so well-thought collages.
Daniel Zaleski Wow, what a kool idea (pun intended), I have never heard about this project.
Daniel Zaleski There are clearly 3 postacrds (each with a set of stamps). But just at the bottom, what is it? An envelope (but all stamps are marked (you know what I mean)?
Jana Babackova That is not an envelope, that is postcard from recycled paper with one sticker for postrossing ID at the top. A lot of people designing cards with stickers and unique labels made only for this purpose
Jana Babackova Two mistakes (Bali flag, wrong google result 1drv.ms/u/s!Alq2_oJioYHRge56FG... & Manila location), but no time to create new sheet, I am sorry :(