Viola Kuniej hahaha don't worry, it's my safe shelter from childhood :)
Bruce Hiding under tables? :-). I used to build forts out of them by covering them with an old blanket :-).
Viola Kuniej yesss, I was building a base of blankets, scarves and pillows, of course! and I read books in it :)
Bruce Of course! I did the same, and turned out all the room lights and used a flashlight to read by. :-)
Viola Kuniej these were times... before phones and kindle, yeah!
Bruce Somehow I think R is going to have your imagination when she grows up :-). Btw when she gets a little older, get a big cardboard box you both can play in :-). Plus her dad too of course! :-)
Viola Kuniej hahaha, I think Zen also will be very happy about it
Bruce Great mood to this shot :-). Btw, I hope you didn't bang your head! :-).