Yes, I know, almost same photo as the one from the next day - but this one was taken during my first recovery day even after the sunset, so I'm quite glad about what I managed to recover from it.
After this long and emotional weekend (that I'm gonna describe soon) I needed some time for me - we came back from Pogoria Longboard Running around 8:30 pm and finished the party around 5 a.m., then at 8 I already was with my Warsaw Longboard Crew at the railway station, where they supposed to have their transport to Warsaw. The car did not appear, so we found a train from Płaszów station at the end of the city and rushed there, so they can be in Warsaw quite early. I came back home after waving goodbye with a white tissue and... fallen asleep. Got up to do some quick cleaning before Martyna came back from Tallinn - luckily for me, their plane (from Warsaw to Cracow) had a great delay, so I had some more time to clean the apartment.
It's been a good, recovery day.
#portrait #outdoors #nature #evening #sunday #dog #little #doge #animal #grass #flower #flowers #lawn #field #summer #canine #pet #puppy #cute #young #domestic #dandelion #may #mammal #sit #wafel #dandelion-puff #hayfield