Bruce It was even easier than that since it's actually a 3D printed moon that lights up :-). Thanks NatZ :-) I hope you had a great Christmas :-)
eventide There was an old movie realised in Poland, which was called "The two who stole the moon" and now I see, that it should has the title: "The three who stole the moon"! Great!
Bruce Ha, thanks Ev, I hope it was a good movie :-)
eventide I don't know in fact... I haven't seen it :D All the Poles know that title, because it was the movie debut of twins Kaczyńscy - one of them became a president of Poland and died in the airplane catastrophe in Smoleńsk in 2010, and the second one is ruling with one of the biggest politic parties in our country right now.
NatZ That's a great idea and compo! Super!