So, day 2... I struggled after only one day haha. What you should know about me beforehand is that there are moments in my life, days that sometimes turn into weeks, when I struggle to get anything done. Today was such a day and I hope it won't last longer this time.
2018 was not easy on me and people around me. Over the span of the year I got more and more depressed. I don't know whether it's clinical depression or not, but something's not right in my head. I even cancelled studying at university at the end of the year.
The 365 challenge is something to keep me active (for some part at least) and maybe get me back on track with life. I will seek some mental health help/consultation as well.
In the photo you have a view from the spot, where my couch is. That's where I spent almost all day today. Inside all lights out, couldn't get up and turn them on - outside of the window the first "real" snow came down today.
I guess that's it for today... Until tomorrow for day 3 ! ;)