Hobby series continued :)
I wrote already about listening to music, but I think that even more important is PLAYING the music. I was in scouting and I get in touch with guitar when I was about 12. I like it very much and when I went to secondary school where a lot of people in my class also played - I've finally bought my first, classic guitar. Since then I bought two another guitars - acoustic and my dream for many years: 12-string guitar. And djembe. And ukulele. And my dad made me a cajon. And I've got my brother's old keyboard finally changed into full-size stage piano. And I sit at home looking at all of that just wondering how to find time for playing :D
I never had particular talent in music, for a long time I didn't realized when I'm out of tune. It was more about rhythm and overall joy of a sound. You know... there is that particular feeling when you have your guitar so close to the heart and you play it. Even few simple notes. I think the happiness is very close to it ;-)