I just got home from work. The weather is different again than yesterday. Yesterday it was eight degrees, today it is three. Completely unpredictable. In the morning, I managed to go for a nice walk with Biga. Yesterday's photo was also taken on a walk, a bit by accident. Last night I was at the cinema to see "We Live in Time", a melodrama with a very good role by Florence Pugh and a good role by Andrew Garfield. I had an idea for a photo at the cinema, unfortunately it didn't work out because there were too many people, so I used the one I took in the morning on a walk. Sam I recommend the movie, great chemistry between the actors, interesting plot, just remember to bring tissues. ;) This is also the first film this year and the first visit to the cinema, again it is the local ArtKino. Today's photo is also the result of a walk, the colors, clean the sky and some action below are always a good combination.