Friday morning, I was a bit late for work and I saw that my old colleague from the previous company, Paweł Sz. was waiting for me. I hadn't seen him for a long time, so I exchanged a few words with him. In work, a lot of work. My colleague is going to the hospital on Monday, so there will be something to do. After someone tried to log into my account, another bad thing happened. I most likely lost my ATM card. I immediately blocked it. I went to ask in the store after work, so I didn't leave it there, but unfortunately no one found anything. Maybe it was left at work, but I'll find out on Monday. Maybe it will be found. We'll see. Today winter has also returned. It has been snowing since this morning. I didn't feel so good after yesterday's visit to the bar. I had three beers, but that's probably too much for me. Old age is not joy. 😅 So I rowed a bit in the morning and then went for a walk. I came back soaked but happy. Tonight I want to watch the new Russo brothers movie, although the review is optimistic.