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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 805
Red Pine
Just out on the driveway today. Stopped by the Red Pines to capture this. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #wood #monday #tree #park #...
Day 801
Still Not What I Want
Along the creek, there is a section of plants that looks amazing. The contrast between the shrubs and the moss is most striking....
Day 798
Essential Supplies
These ain't. But what they are is the requests of some of my folks who are stuck on site. #food #evening #wood #monday #shopping #b...
Day 797
Out from behind the door.
Was able to sneak out and get this Hairy Woodpecker. I actually had a good five or so minutes before I needed to be on my wa...
Day 796
House Finch near my House
It's the weekend, must mean it's time to look at birds. This House Finch was hanging around with a immature male today. The...
Day 791
A Pile of Sticks, A Pile of Scat
Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking a field biologist on a short tour of the site. She was looking for Red / Easte...
Day 786
All Bark, No Bite
Just our asocial neighbourhood red squirrel. And sometimes that's all you need. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #wood #little #wednesda...
Day 784
Black Capped Chickadee
Right lens, right time, right subject. Heck... even the right light. I'll call that a win for today! #outdoors #nature #afterno...
Day 783
Freezing Rain for a Goldfinches Return
My first American Goldfinch of the year (three actually). The freezing rain didn't help much. #morning #outdoor...
Day 782
Pine Siskin
New-to-me bird today; a pine siskin. I'm fairly certain I've seen these before, but I'm never been able to id 'em... until now. #indoors #...
Day 781
PSA: Use Your Head, Don't be a Dumbass
Rain, high water, and flooding. Seriously people... stay off the ice. #outdoors #nature #friday #afternoon #lan...
Day 780
Found the Key to a Treasure Box!
A couple of years pack I picked-up a locking fireproof box. A year back I managed to misplace the key. Yesterday I fo...
Day 779
Last couple of days things have been warmin' up. Sunset over the lake looks both pretty and sad. #outdoors #nature #lake #evening #landscape #wat...
Day 778
Yup, that's some fog.
All day we were in a fog. Both mentally (Tuesday after a long weekend will do that I guess) and literally. #nature #evening #lan...
Day 776
Everybody Loves Coffee
I did it. I got out and shot my squirrel with a coffee mug. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #wood #sunday #little #animal #christm...
Day 774
Friday Night's all Right
Got the kids together for a session of D&D. Let the nerd times roll! #indoors #friday #office #evening #desk #computer #lapto...
Day 772
Showing Off
Got to get out of the office for a bit and do a site tour. Our guest is bring up a number of college students and, due to some scheduling...
Day 771
5:30am start to watch curling gold
Got up extra early to watch Team Canada win gold in Mixed Pairs Curling. What a game... what a way to start the day...
Day 770
Fancy Feast for Friends from Far away
Folks visiting from Brazil. Time to put out a fancy spread. #food #evening #monday #table #tomato #closeup #deco...
Day 769
Look who's Back!
It took a bit of babying (brushing off the feeder every hour or so, scattering seeds) but my birds eventually came back. Today's tall...
Day 768
Another in the Continuing Series of "Wrong Lens"
Out trying to get my birds at the feeder today. Made a mistake and didn't fill the feeder Friday. Loo...
Day 767
Broken Streak
Missed a day uploading (from the 7th). So long streak. #friday #evening #keyboard #computer #screen #laptop #technology #internet #busin...
Day 765
Olympic Curling
First night of Olympic Mixed Pairs Curling. I'm liking this format and hope it stays. #indoors #evening #wood #house #wednesday #home...
Day 763
Birds of a Feather
Lucky timing on my part. The guy on the left took off shortly after pressing the shutter. #morning #outdoors #nature #bird #birds #...