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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 1,528
Trying not to complain.
But today wasn't very good. Spent about $500 on the car (regular maintenance) only to find out I'll need to come back next for...
Day 755
Even on a Day Off
Even on a day off I'm on the job. I know I said that before... still true. Today I spent the lion's share in the boardroom plugging...
Day 767
Broken Streak
Missed a day uploading (from the 7th). So long streak. #friday #evening #keyboard #computer #screen #laptop #technology #internet #busin...
Day 780
Found the Key to a Treasure Box!
A couple of years pack I picked-up a locking fireproof box. A year back I managed to misplace the key. Yesterday I fo...
Day 855
Cheat Day
No story here. #portrait #night #landscape #road #tuesday #street #people #man #action #one #military #vehicle #competition #police #may #of...
Day 1,107
# Life of the single guy.
Let my dishes get out of hand recently. It happens. Life gets in the way. Dish soap runs out. It happens. What also happens...
Day 1,146
Silly Human Tricks
Victoria, for some reason, thought it'd be a good idea to walk about the small dining room whilst balancing a tray on her head. Tru...
Day 1,162
Not how it should be used
We have a bit of a branding problem at work. Folks like to put it ON EVERYTHING. They insist on making it as big and In-Your...
Day 1,593
Not surprising in the least...
The call came through from head office today: there will be no July or August summer camps from the school (internation...
Day 734
Time for a visit to the local laundromat. Of course it's not an actual laundry mat, but rather the housekeeping facilities at work #mirror...
Day 798
Essential Supplies
These ain't. But what they are is the requests of some of my folks who are stuck on site. #food #evening #wood #monday #shopping #b...
Day 1,099
Busy On The Toilet.
Busy On The Toilet. I've mentioned, I think, the embarrassment I suffered this November when I wasn't able to produce photos for our company Christmas...
Day 1,149
Another step closer (and I should really sweep soon)
Second table arrived today! I'll be spending Friday playing at Ikea Builder. Than it'll be a simp...
Day 1,165
Rolling Thunder
The melt has begun. The office shuck today as the ice and snow let go off the roof. Like a dumbass, I parked my car to close to the bu...
Day 1,179
It happens. Doesn't mean I'm okay with it. Last couple of days I've been feeling sick. Got the chills, not hungry, got the aches. Doctor Joe is p...
Day 1,206
And sometimes the picutre finds you.
A not so good day. Stressed, overwhelmed, pressure from so many different sources. Just an all-round crappy kinda...
Day 1,314
It's a Family Camp Thing
Random pencil-toy with the coffee mugs? Must be time for Family Camp.
Day 765
Olympic Curling
First night of Olympic Mixed Pairs Curling. I'm liking this format and hope it stays. #indoors #evening #wood #house #wednesday #home...
Day 1,131
Time to be silly!
Nothing else really than just being silly.
Day 1,134
Something to Play With
Just something to mess around with later.
Day 1,138
Second Time's a Charm
Every Canadian knows what this is. It's time for Tim Horton's Roll Up the Rim to Win event. On my second coffee of the season, I...