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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 762
Taking Flight
One of many taken today. This jay was playin' in the snow just before this was taken. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #bird #sunday #water...
Day 761
Forgot to Fill the Feeder
But at least this guy was pretty chill about it. Once I had a coffee in me, however, I did get the feeder restocked. #mornin...
Day 757
Clouds or Snow
Ever notice how snow on a frozen lake can look like clouds in the sky? #nature #afternoon #tuesday #water #wet #reflection #clouds #col...
Day 756
Halo Ceiling
New week, new theme. Here is the stucco ceiling in my office. #portrait #morning #music #monday #fashion #people #face #hair #man #model...
Day 755
Even on a Day Off
Even on a day off I'm on the job. I know I said that before... still true. Today I spent the lion's share in the boardroom plugging...
Day 753
Even when I'm off I work
Literally living at your job certainly does create some challenges. Someone needs something on your day off? Expect a text me...
Day 752
Phone Hub
Part of my job is to take care of the technology around site. Very often it's a matter of looking at it, scratch my head, and google it. Or...
Day 749
Freezing Rain for the Birds
Freezing Rain made for an interesting day. Staff leaving early, birds visiting the feeder, and cancelled plans. At least I...
Day 748
With my feeder back up, it's time to shoot so many birds. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #bird #sunday #little #animal #january #wildl...
Day 747
Busy Morning at the Feeder
Put out a couple of new feeders (suite and finch). These three didn't want to share. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #saturday...
Day 746
Something Coming Soon
Getting ready for a new project at work. This is the first of many-many teasers. #friday #afternoon #technology #movie #january...
Day 745
First Group of the Year
Opened the Tuck Shop tonight. Discovered my key isn't working... had to prop open the door. Hoping to have it fixed soon #indo...
Day 741
Cell Phone Self
I lost my jacket and keys over the weekend. Spent an hour or so running around site looking for it. Minus twenty (no wind thank goodne...
Day 740
Unwinding After a Long Day
After a long day of workshops and learning this group of twenty-somethings has decided to try out their newly learned knitt...
Day 739
Maybe Good Enough?
This December I signed up for a print exchange on /r/photography. This week I received my first exchange partner. There's a few rul...
Day 738
Twenty Second Handheld
I was planning on taking a different picture. Unfortunately (fortunately?) I left my camera setup from the star pictures a coup...
Day 737
Car vs Tree
Icy roads on the way home last night. Was surprised by a downed tree around a corner. Brakes did nothing so it was through the crown inste...
Day 736
4:45 is too early
Had to be in Kingston for 9:30 this morning. I left home the dark, watched the sunrise, worked, watched the sunset, and made it back...
Day 734
Time for a visit to the local laundromat. Of course it's not an actual laundry mat, but rather the housekeeping facilities at work #mirror...
Day 733
Orion Two
Out again to shoot Orion. Still not happy with is. Well see what I can do in the future. #outdoors #nature #saturday #evening #landscape #li...
Day 732
Boiling Water in Bloody Cold Air
Bloody cold day. Close to -40C this morning. Didn't get much warmer throughout the day. In the afternoon we decided t...