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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 1,649
3:00am is early to get up and start photographing. But capturing this image of Comet NEOWISE certainly made it worthwhile. Depending...
Day 1,640
Day 1,634
Purple Finch
I've got something to do tomorrow... but for the live of me I can't remember what it is. Oh well, if I can't figure it out I'm gonna setu...
Day 1,623
Fox Days of Spring
Got to spend about twenty minutes with one of my foxes afternoon. I was able to open the boardroom window without waking him and sh...
Day 1,611
Surprise... BABY FOX!
Was heading out to top up the feeders this morning and was interrupted by this little cutie.
Day 1,597
Red Trillium
Not that many Reds out this year. Maybe better luck on the Painted?
Day 1,595
Trout Lily and Bee
When I go out to intentionally tooapic... takeapic... work on this project I find that more often than not I either use one of the...
Day 1,594
Grabbing Supplies
With the province slowly reopening, it looks like the local Robins are also taking advantage of the situation. Just a quick trip to...
Day 1,593
Not surprising in the least...
The call came through from head office today: there will be no July or August summer camps from the school (internation...
Day 1,582
Yellow-rummped Warbler
Also know more commonly as "That thrice damned bird that won't stop moving so I ID it".
Day 1,580
Chipping Sparrow
Lil sparrow singing his heart out in a maple tree.
Day 1,567
Rainy Day Pine Warbler
Day 1,564
The Drive
So. The calendar says it's suppose to be April. I'm not too sure what season it is anymore. It started cold, damp, and very late-Fall. By mi...
Day 1,562
Fun with AR
Quarantine going well. Fed the panada today.
Day 1,557
Pine Warbler: Day 2.
Hoping he sticks around until Saturday. It'd be nice to include it in my count.
Day 1,554
You never know what'll appear.
Snows melting fast. Sometimes you find something amazing. Other times you find a random fork.
Day 1,553
Wild Turkey
The local street gang of Wild Turkeys visited this morning.
Day 1,552
Sandhill Crane
Finally captured an image of a Sandhill Crane!
Day 1,547
Too much time
Lots of time on my hands of late. Finding new and interesting things to keep myself good. #theme-wtf
Day 1,546
Or than again... maybe not.
I've been Physical Distancing for about a week now. The only face-to-face conversations I've had are with the two Maintena...
Day 1,539
Lazy Sunday Afternoon
Just what the title implies, just a lazy Sunday afternoon of mucking about the house, feeding my birds and getting myself psyche...
Day 1,537
That's it, that's all
Layoffs are now in effect. We had a wee gathering before shutting down.
Day 1,534
SURPRISE!!! SNOW!!! #theme-at-home The easiest part of Social Distancing is being distant from other social people.
Day 1,533
Post Lunch News Conference
The team waits for the PM's update. Why have I tagged this for the At Home theme? Easy, I literally live at work. I fuller...