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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 957
Evening Blue Jay
Out wanting to shoot birds tonight. So I did. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #saturday #bird #wood #little #animal #tree #park #wild #f...
Day 954
T Minus 47 Days
Big day coming up. A bit over a month to prepare. #office #evening #keyboard #computer #wednesday #screen #laptop #display #monitor #t...
Day 952
Not Happy with this...
... but glad I finally got around to taking this. The Pond is a small wetland at the foot of the driveway. I drive past it a co...
Day 950
This doesn't belong here either!
This chopper was busy doing loops around the property today. And doing a very good job at annoying me. #afternoon #sa...
Day 948
That's Pretty
An intense day of data entry and financial number punching. Honestly, felt like crap afterwards. Needed to get off site. Glad I did... I...
Day 947
Future Home of another horizontal surface
Found the table I want to use as a new desk. It's amazing what you'll find at IKEA. The INGO table is pretty...
Day 946
Milkyway over Trees
Been in a funk for the last little while (it comes and goes). Last night I felt like making something. I like it... and that's all...
Day 941
Late night at the pole. Almost feel like some guy in a trench coat should be there. #thursday #outdoors #night #bird #evening #landscape #wood #l...
Day 931
The Chef Will See You Now
Time for staff photos. Today: Chef Kyle #indoors #portrait #afternoon #monday #people #industry #grinder #man #one #service...
Day 925
Surprised He Stayed
Spent a good five or so minutes talking to the fox today (no, not a metaphor, I was literally talking to the fox... and no, he did...
Day 924
Constant Foe
The sky went this crazy orange colour tonight. And damn it... I wasn't able to reproduce it. Maybe next time. #outdoors #nature #evening...
Day 923
Bark Lodge Landscaping
#fall #outdoors #nature #evening #landscape #wood #sunday #house #light #tree #park #garden #leaf #wooden #travel #summer #july...
Day 921
Oak Lodge
Was asked to shoot some buildings. So I did. #outdoors #nature #friday #afternoon #landscape #wood #house #tree #park #grass #leaf #building...
Day 919
The face you make when your staff let their hair down and you just don't quite get the reference but you are fairly certain it would be inappr...
Day 918
Sign of the Times
Hot times, summer in the county. Please... Use Your Heads; Don't Be a Dumbass. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #road #tuesda...
Day 916
Too. Many. Damn. Mosquitos!
Let's go out late and shoot stuff. It'll be fun. There's no way there'd be bloody-thirty hellspawn out to ruin your evenin...
Day 915
Learning Through Play
Yesterday I figured out that if you use a circular polarizing filter you can block out a tv screen. Here's what happens with my...
Day 910
Breaking the Humidity
Been stupid humid that last couple of days. This afternoon storm front certainly did it's best to knock it back some. #fall #out...
Day 911
Heather takes aim
Group photo time! Heather was handed the client's pretty DSLR and told to take a picture. And she did! #outdoors #nature #afternoon...
Day 909
Little Chipmunk
Got out and enjoyed some time in the front yard. Was hoping to get a picture of the American Goldfinch that's been visiting, but inste...
Day 908
It's a table
And sometimes, on stupid hot and humid days, all you can muster is a rather uninspired snapshot of a table in the air conditioned office....
Day 907
New Plan
Need to start keeping a To Do list; just to many things that need doing I guess. Ironically I've been meaning to do this for a while now. #in...
Day 906
Desk is gone; now for the rest
Managed to take the desk apart with very little difficulty. Next step... get rid of / find a home for all the crap in t...
Day 905
We all have a space like this
We all have a space like this... that area in your physical life that acts as a gathering place for all your random junk...