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Bydgoszcz Leśna

17 photos
Day 524
Bydgoszcz Leśna #11
After a storm. On the left tracks to Bydgoszcz Główna, on the right tracks to Gdańsk. #forest #trees #nature #friday #evening #lig...
Day 250
Is this the end?
#thursday #outdoors #nature #vintage #evening #black-and-white #light #tree #leaf #flower #art #winter #painting #seed #desktop #blac...
Day 708
Bydgoszcz Leśna #14
To travel more. #forest #outdoors #trees #nature #afternoon #old #vintage #wood #sunday #house #train #tree #locomotive #track #wi...
Day 619
Bydgoszcz Leśna #12
I was waiting for a train... #october #night #evening #light #road #tuesday #train #black #street #city #urban #shadows #locomotiv...
Day 999
Bydgoszcz Leśna #16
A dramatic clock. #thursday #october #afternoon #dark #sky #clouds #watch #late #clock #deadline #time #business #midnight #statio...
Day 1,027
Bydgoszcz Leśna #17
My Mum in the train. #indoors #thursday #evening #car #train #street #city #reflection #locomotive #trains #window #people #door #...
Day 494
Bydgoszcz Leśna #10/Up #11
A station clock. #outdoors #evening #wood #white #wednesday #street #city #sun #urban #blue #sky #architecture #building #c...
Day 352
Bydgoszcz Leśna #9
I couldn't live far from a station ;) #indoors #evening #wood #monday #train #city #urban #blue #glass #trains #steel #window #lamp...
Day 97
Bydgoszcz Leśna #2
A tunnel. #friday #night #nikon #white #light #black #city #lights #urban #shadows #lamps #tunnel #poland #shadow #grey #contrast #...
Day 691
Bydgoszcz Leśna #13
Shiny reflections. #thursday #evening #light #dark #train #lights #wet #reflection #trains #contrast #bright #reflections #decembe...
Day 25
Entrance to the forest
My neighbourhood. #forest #woods #trees #night #nikon #wood #white #light #dark #wednesday #tree #black #lights #shadows #lamp...
Day 164
Bydgoszcz Leśna #6
A brigde near station. The last train this day. #forest #night #white #tuesday #city #urban #trains #track #lamps #lamp #architectu...
Day 1,296
Bydgoszcz Leśna #19
Waiting for a train. #bydgoszcz #bydgoszcz-lesna #tracks #railway #concrete #mobile #station #platform #pkp
Day 254
Bydgoszcz Leśna #7
Leśna means forestry. One side of tracks: The other: #october...
Day 142
Bydgoszcz Leśna #4
Two times :) #evening #moody #wood #white #light #monday #train #black #sky #watch #numbers #shadow #clock #line #lines #time #stat...
Day 98
Bydgoszcz Leśna #3
I'm having fun with long exposure and trains. #saturday #night #nikon #long-exposure #road #train #city #urban #blue #trains #rail...
Day 26
Bydgoszcz Leśna
Another trip. #thursday #night #nikon #road #train #city #urban #blue #trains #rail #poland #cold #contrast #moving #travel #journey #...