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175 photos
1 follower
Day 1,320
Over the rooftops
I missed the sunset but looked outside at the right time to grab this from my front stairs.
Day 1,261
That feeling you get when you realise you formatted the SD card without transferring the photos. So here is a photo of Clydey I took with my phon...
Day 1,281
I know, another kitty photo. After being in the rain the night before, I woke up this morning with the room spinning and no balance - I had to...
Day 1,291
Obviously this was more of a snapshot than anything, but it seems to be that Clyde is defying the laws of gravity. For comparison, Bonnie's ear is the...
Day 1,300
Grumpy Boy
After sleeping in his dinosaur for a while, he got upset with me for taking photos and jumped up, moved a metre away, and lay back down aga...
Day 1,333
Sleepy kitty
We had a public holiday, and it was a cool morning. Bonnie climbed on my lap and promptly fell asleep.
Day 1,341
Clydey's world is turning upside down a bit. All his favourite sleeping spots are gone, and slowly everything is getting packed into boxes. Thankfully...
Day 485
Streets of Suburbia
Welcome to the streets filled with old Queenslander houses, golf courses and surrounded by water. Maybe not your typical suburbia...
Day 1,219
I found this on my desk ... Christmas wrapping paper discarded from a gift. I thought it was cute. :)
Day 1,252
Imma sleep here
(Please ignore my legs!!!) I was working from home, and Clydey was asking for attention. I said to him (somewhat jokingly) "Why don't...
Day 1,308
On the way to the train station.
Day 1,340
and his beautiful yellow eyes. He rarely stays still enough for a photo like this.
Day 11
End of the day
Went back for the sunset again tonight and again - ruined by clouds, which then promptly cleared and spread everywhere else. This is ov...
Day 1,273
Still sick and absolutely exhausted. This was about the extent of what I was capable of for the day.
Day 1,344
I ran the vacuum and had to put all the stuff normally on the floor on the desk... Clydey decided that balancing on top of everything was...
Day 21
Light Painting
Lightning from a storm that hit a few suburbs over at the same time that a car drove down the street. #saturday #evening #january #ligh...
Day 1,233
Sometimes she takes amazing photos
...this isn't one of those times.
Day 1,327
Clydey most unimpressed because I woke him up from his nap.
Day 1,245
My beautiful boy with his beautiful eyes. Who's also a little ratbag who broke into the treats and ate them all. :|
Day 1,310
Apparently no one has explained to the bugs about social distancing. in the past few months Brisbane has been infested with swarms of mosq...
Day 1,334
Clydey crack
Clydey loves these Dine puree packs. He will grip my legs with his claws until every last tasty morsel has been consumed. I literally hav...
Day 1,337
"Hey Clydey, want to pose for me?"
Day 40
Yes another sunset.
Packing up the house is stopping my ability to get out and take photos :( but I did run out yesterday at sunset and managed to gra...
Day 1,276
The Wash
I'm not sure what's worse: * That I'm bored enough to clean the washing machine. * That it (really) needed cleaning * That I took a photo of...