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923 photos
1 follower
Day 1,631
Start to assemble
From now on I'm working on my balcony... It is hard to keep right angles, but this kind of work is fun for me.
Day 1,635
In 2016, I thought it needed to be repaired. Four years later, it was finally repaired.
Day 1,685
#tripod #gitzo #theme-textures
Day 1,702
Jailbreak⛏ . Insect rebellion. 🐜🐜🐜All escaped. #carnivorous-plant #sarracenia
Day 103
Gate of the state guest house
Moto-Akasaka @ minato, Tokyo This is main gate of the state guest house. Originally, it was built in 1909 as a Palace of...
Day 1,175
3 trees about 3weeks later. Almost all leaves of them have fallen. #autumn #autumn-leaves #3-trees #park #yoyogi-pa...
Day 1,262
Trademark under the strings of my #piano. #yamaha #theme-brands
Day 1,360
#cat #siamese-cat #curio
Day 1,377
Fat Cat
#chai #cat #fluffy
Day 1,401
Iced Coffee
#theme-cold-drinks #iced-coffee
Day 1,433
D-Sub 15-pin Analog display connector. #theme-dots
Day 1,436
Steps over the dots
Day 1,439
Finally, all bass strings have been replaced!! #instrument #strings #piano
Day 1,463
Still closed ...
I visited here in about 2 years. Green bike was still in the same position. The green net collapsed a little. The plants grew... and...
Day 1,475
Poor horse
This horse cannot run freely while staying in the stable for years. He cannot be washed. Has something trouble happened to the owner? #aban...
Day 1,567
Old and New
Quantum 1225S 1.2GB SCSI HDD around 1990 and WD Blue 250GB SATA SSD now. Not only capacity but also speed is 50 times faster. #theme-tidy...
Day 1,591
Wall art?
Ivy drawing trees on the wall.
Day 1,642
I want to replace the drill chuck...
Day 1,699
A tree under the dark sky
in my neighborhood. #tree #sky #clouds #depresion
Day 99
It's raining...
To say that Tokyo is beautiful is a banal. It is magical!!!Parc Ueno.Tokio.(J) #night #sunday #spring #japan #april #springtime #tokio...
Day 1,245
It says ’Let's hand down good manners to next generations’. The police set up it. It is intended to be seen by drivers waiting for signals, but...
Day 1,248
Inside of my #piano.
Day 1,343
It is sunny but smoggy and very hot. #city #shinjuku #japan #tokyo #people #buildings #sky #theme-weather
Day 1,369
#sheri #cat