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683 photos
Day 1,875
Dentist's 2/5
This is turning into a little series...
Day 1,874
Argh, need some work done 😨
Day 970
#29 La Rade
Day 1,822
Globe trotter
Eva taking the early-morning to see a concert in....Seoul
Day 38
Back home
After the 22 degree back to the cold 🥶 with the view of the beautiful lake Léman, the biggest lake of Europe but not the biggest lake of Swi...
Day 1,808
Sneaked into one of the new underground train stations before opening day. The security guards were not happy 😊
Day 1,798
Under the road
9k walk
Day 1,793
Why not ;)
Day 698
Day 1,791
Oscar welcoming back Eva at the airport. Great to see the kids again.
Day 1,780
Touch #96
Stairs leading to the photography show to check out studio gear - with a staircase like at the entrance hard to not...
Day 1,846
Eat some melted cheese and go take photos on the lake. Sounds like a good way to spend time. Thanks @ianprince for a nice evening.
Day 1,762
Touch #78
Looooong day.... up before dawn, heartfelt lunch, #fondue with @pawelkadysz - looking forward to crawling into bed
Day 1,731
Touch #48
Waiting at the traffic lights
Day 1,713
Touch #30
Long busy day but lots of fun commuting into town on the bike...and finding a staircase for the series
Day 1,667
CDG and ICN here we come 😎
Day 1,665
My bike meets the locomotive. With a wink to @radsatz #cff #sbb
Day 1,625
Geek bouquet
First sunny day in ages...but stuck inside cabling. Oh well...
Day 1,623
Busy day in Geneva - quick pic of the main door in the train station
Day 1,616
Bike and train - the fastest way to get into town
Day 1,615
Lunch in the park
Looooong work-day, glad I got to have lunch in the park.
Day 1,609
Le train bleu
#sncf #ter #train #cornavin #door
Day 444
Street art
This is an big electric box !
Day 1,598
The emergency staircase at one of my clients