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Born in 1964. a nostalgy collector. Interest in exploring city, cats, toy-train, hand craft and taking pic with studio light. I especially love real world reproduce in miniature. Welcome CC.
#5 255/365
23 streak
Day 957
The owner of this apartment loves bikes! #morning #outdoors #old #house #bike #bikes #wednesday #city #urban #window #design #wall #architecture...
Day 958
On the uphill of Omote-sando Street. #morning #thursday #road #bike #bikes #street #people #wheel #sports #helmet #sport #man #race #hurry #v...
Day 965
Black hair, black clothes
Strong contrast on Omote-sando crossing. #morning #thursday #outdoors #road #bike #street #city #urban #people #wheel #woman...
Day 993
I made a mistake. IS was off! #morning #thursday #walk #road #street #people #blur #traffic #man #motion #action #challenge #race #hurry #asp...
Day 1,004
Bye bye mobile-photo week
I like the camera with knobs and dials... #morning #outdoors #camera #monday #mobile #grass #android #technology #figure #bu...
Day 1,007
Red Corridor
@inspirationfeed 's in Kyoto is very famous, but there are several red corridor in Tokyo as well. Today...
Day 1,009
Today I went to Akihabara with Little Kakapo. It was in the past that this was the city of electronics parts. #morning #outdoors #saturday #...
Day 1,044
The surrounding space was momentarily dyed into a deep pink. I took my PEN-F and saw western sky from usual position. #saturday #evening #lands...
Day 1,050
Tokyo sea side
Today the air became clear, The direction of the sea in the east was well seen. Many tanks and tankers carrying oil, which is the energ...
Day 1,064
Cumulonimbus cloud
In the end of summer, we have got repeated intense heat and clouds of thunderstorms... #outdoors #nature #friday #afternoon #evenin...
Day 735
in my garden. Autumn colors gradually become clear and clear. #morning #october #fall #outdoors #nature #friday #little #color #tree #red #gar...
Day 736
Drops on the leaves
We have rain until this morning. I found a lot of droplets on the leaves. #morning #october #nature #saturday #water #drop #rain #...
Day 746
Boleslawiec #3
Many bullseyes from Poland. #october #afternoon #retro #tuesday #handmade #graphic #christmas #poland #flower #design #art #texture #po...
Day 747
Spider Web
In my garden near . #morning #october #autumn #wednesday #creepy #web #cobweb #halloween #dew #insect #f...
Day 751
Storm is comming
In the past days, wet days continued in Tokyo, but at last it was heavily rained under the influence of Super Typhoon LAN. #october #...
Day 760
Autumn #2
The same place of 1month after. In Tokyo , 2 storms promoted the arrival of Autumn. #morning #october #au...
Day 787
Bye bye chocolate week
Bye bye Hot-chocolate... #morning #food #monday #breakfast #drink #coffee #cup #november #tea #hot #figure #mug #chocolate #esp...
Day 794
Bye bye house-plants week
My friend plays 'zabawa w chowanego' with large leaf. #morning #nature #green #monday #garden #leaf #ecology #flower #figure...
Day 823
Bye bye relatives week
My friend say goodbye for relatives at the station and will return to the city alone. #portrait #outdoors #afternoon #tuesday #...
Day 825
Kai-komagatake 2956m
Another my resolution of this year is Re-discovery of things not too far from me. #morning #thursday #outdoors #nature #landscape...
Day 845
Bye bye Map week
When I prepared to took bye-bye pic, #sheri began to play with map instead of my little friend! #indoors #portrait #evening #wednesda...
Day 852
Staind glass dome
Since moving escalators are made under this dome, I can not tookapic it from right under it. #afternoon #wednesday #glass #window #d...
Day 857
Bye bye ceiling week
Cats like hiding in narrow spaces... 😼 #morning #outdoors #old #wood #roof #house #monday #sky #window #architecture #building #f...
Day 863
Weapons for Women
These look like weathering tools and paints for my tiny train model. 😉 #afternoon #sunday #market #colors #women #shopping #stock #b...