Satoshi T
Thank you for you like my last couple Ann. Indeed, I feel like to take a deep breath by achieving the second 365. Even in miniature photographs or candid portraits, I kept on hustle all the time 😤 and I was shooting a lot of useless shots...
For a while, I want to reduce the number of shots and want to feel calm in my mind...
Anne I understand :) So, good luck to you!
Satoshi T Until the beginning of October, Tokyo was still hot like summer. However, for the last two days, it felt suddenly cold -but now still 15C degree- and the color of the leaves began to change around me. Thank you @reneekorozo !
Danuta Wonderful autumn photo, delicate and blurry background and depth of image beautiful!
Anne Last couple photos are totally different from your previous works (I mean style and atmosphere) but I really like them! :) Is this a intentional change or just it happended? ;)