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And it is last month just started here... Four years here...three full 365 projects...many good pictures with some even Pictures of the day...many really good photographers i have observed here...
#4 318/365
6 streak
Day 1,351
The Extra Terrestial ?
Day 1,406
White at last!
Today is really wintery...hope for few more take more winter pics
Day 1,407
Luke Skywalker's X34 landspeeder
Day 1,408
The collection
Star Wars Universum on the shelf of my son’s room....there will be some photos arranged with them soon...
Day 1,409
Salty and sweet
I've never understood people who rave about peanut butter in combination with sweet jam or jelly ... but I get it. This is my discover...
Day 1,411
Today's find - moose antlers