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And it is last month just started here... Four years here...three full 365 projects...many good pictures with some even Pictures of the day...many really good photographers i have observed here...
#4 318/365
6 streak
Day 1,147
Where is that snow? the fridge only
Day 1,151
Not my home...
Even that wifi connects automatically It is not my home...It is a hotel where I frequently stays...and they do not change the password....
Day 1,150
The light
Day 1,154
Rita...the Ferret
Day 1,156
Inside...Cavalier King Charles Spaniel throat
Correction of elongated soft palate of snoring Cavalier Kong Charles Spaniel...more And more of these be...
Day 1,157
A flock of geese
Biebrza National Park Trip - Day one
Day 1,159
Lesson with experiments
Wojciech Mikołuszko, scientific journalist and an author of many books for children (Z tatą w przyrodę, Wielkie eksperymenty m...
Day 1,160
Handsome chihuahua in merle colours
Day 1,162
Blooming strawberries...
Day 1,163
Early spring road
Coronavirus day off...but drones are safe in the air
Day 1,164
Red Dawn
This time picture from the window...
Day 1,166
Mazury Garbate
Day 1,167
Lakelet between the fields
Day 1,170
Preparing for webinar
Preparing for today’s webinar about COVID-19 and animals
Day 1,171
While walkin' on the wetlands...
Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata), At risk of disappearance due to lack of breeding habitats caused by draining mead...
Day 1,177
Sunday's sentence ...
From the film Outbreak (1995) - Dustin Hoffmann and Rene Russo...that time the thread was Ebola virus (...still is, like hantavi...
Day 1,176
Family picture in that time...
My father's meeting on the internet platform...
Day 1,175
I am not good at food and products photography. It was a spontaneous picture...Killing animals for food, large animal farms, slaughterhouse...
Day 1,173
Uneven pupils
Day 1,178
Life goes on...
Monday...normally crowded place - many people walking here...there are shops, pharmacy, my veterinary clinic, bookstore, dentist...alm...
Day 1,174
Another puppy saved...
Morning after cardiac surgery for that CKCS was very good. He is healthy now and waiting for their caregivers....Lucky !
Day 1,179
Finally done with my figure from Bandai - Sandtrooper
Day 1,180
Speeder bike
Not ready yet...
Day 1,181 baking bread
Baker man is baking bread Sagabona kunjani wena The night train is coming Got to keep on running Baker man is baking bread...