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And it is last month just started here... Four years here...three full 365 projects...many good pictures with some even Pictures of the day...many really good photographers i have observed here...
#4 318/365
6 streak
Day 1,203
Frog in the pond
Day 1,230
The river wild
Day 1,278
Straightline to the rainy clouds
Day 1,282
Half moon
Day 1,293
Day 1,300
Balloons over Warsaw
The Battle of Warsaw, also known as the Miracle of the Vistula, was a series of battles that resulted in a decisive Polish victor...
Day 1,319
Glowing spidersweb
Day 1,320
Busy bee
Day 1,337
The death of the stormtrooper
Comin' back with our project (mine and my son's) - The Stortroopers Adventures...(Few years ago we started it and some o...
Day 1,387
Day 1,115
Empty spaces
Day 1,130
View on Janowice Wielkie and Sokoliki
Just arrived to our winter holiday house...we are staying here for a couple od days...still lovely weather...but...
Day 1,133
Underwater shaft
Another day with bad weather so this time underground activities. Sightseeing of abandoned uranium mine in Kowary (previously secret...
Day 1,134
Cross Country Skiing
First our experience on this kind of ski. Fantastic ! And at last ordinary winter as I remember it!
Day 1,185
The hunter
Day 1,239
Pug ...Top-down view
Day 1,259
Day 1,332
Rainbow Umbrella
Day 1,349
In the morning light
Day 1,340
Day 1,383
6th of December
Day 1,388
Cat in the window
Day 1,400
Natural sliders "winter Edition"
Place taken On the Photo already few times...the best was at 16th april 2017 on TP - Day 106 of First 365 projekt her...
Day 1,097
Exactly one year ago I started my icebathing experience and I would like to is be continued On the picture there is...