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And it is last month just started here... Four years here...three full 365 projects...many good pictures with some even Pictures of the day...many really good photographers i have observed here...
#4 318/365
6 streak
Day 1,108
Missed the cold
One of my favourite „topics” these days
Day 1,164
Red Dawn
This time picture from the window...
Day 1,178
Life goes on...
Monday...normally crowded place - many people walking here...there are shops, pharmacy, my veterinary clinic, bookstore, dentist...alm...
Day 1,205
My son's picture droned by drone
Day 1,219
Underwater sunlight
Day 1,261
My side project "Faces of modern veterinary medicine" started. I have a plan to take a pictures of how we work...who is behind the mask...
Day 1,286
Before or after...
It is great to be on the sailing boat after twenty years...on the lake...but it is a good start before return on the sea...
Day 1,294
Everyone has the falcon he deserves Każdy ma takiego sokoła na jakiego zasługuje
Day 1,324
Day 1,335
Cold Water Season Starts!
Day 1,367
The ladybird vol. 2
Day 1,373
The leaf
Day 1,390
Raptor's flight lessons
Day 1,131
Emerald Lakelet - winter edition
One of four Colorful lakelets in Rudawy Janowickie The colour of Emerald Lakelet (635 m) water is connected with the...
Day 1,135
The ruins
The ruins of Bolczów Castle (The Bolzenschloss), Janowice Wielkie, Lower Silesia, Poland One of the most picturesque and unique mountain cas...
Day 1,223
Rivers in the river bed...D(r)ying river
Day 1,228
Day 1,232
The european mole cricket (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa)
....czyli Turkuć podjadek
Day 1,241
Veterinary Ophtalmology
Today I have made the photographic session with veterinary ophthalmologist during ocular surgery
Day 1,244
Day 1,276
Dried lakelet among the fields...same as
Day 1,292
Day 1,371
Day 1,377