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And it is last month just started here... Four years here...three full 365 projects...many good pictures with some even Pictures of the day...many really good photographers i have observed here...
#4 318/365
6 streak
Day 1,402
The radio of the damned
My beloved radio just came back...on the internet. Well known people, predictable music, damned journalists by the actual poli...
Day 1,405
My Best Likes Pictures from my Tookapic History
For those who started to observe me but never go back in history to see some of my older pictures I wi...
Day 1,218
Two of a kind
Common terns (Sterna hirundo) - rybitwy rzeczne
Day 1,413
Frozen Solo
It looks that it is my last picture before one of my faourite topics at the end. To see the rest go to the gallery - Star War...
Day 1,253
Protect the family
When you want to protect your loved ones from neighbors. An adult black-headed gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) defends its nestli...
Day 1,096
My daughter's unfished work And the model - Ania
Day 1,258
Young kangaroo
Young Red-necked wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus), albino type
Day 1,406
White at last!
Today is really wintery...hope for few more take more winter pics
Day 1,236
Clouds over Warsaw...leaving the town
Day 1,407
Luke Skywalker's X34 landspeeder
Day 1,327
Cranes during sleep
Day 1,375
Lavia's emergency surgery
Yesterday in the late evening we had to perform the emergency surgical procedure on our dog Lavia. Few days ago she choke th...
Day 1,398
The rime
...czyli szadź
Day 1,412
Father's pride
On friday came the package from Natural History Museum with the samples of the merchandise they will be selling in the NHM shop in Lond...
Day 1,307
Day 1,252
Grey heron in flight
Day 1,306
Swirly...the magic of old lenses...
Day 1,336
Dried blackberries...
The end of blackberry is near ... autumn is coming
Day 1,397
Last foggy day of 2020
Day 1,408
The collection
Star Wars Universum on the shelf of my son’s room....there will be some photos arranged with them soon...
Day 1,390
Raptor's flight lessons
Day 1,395
Central Perk
Just built the christmas present with my son, while watching the background of it in Netflix (still available to see, but only to 31st De...
Day 1,393
Safely First!
Can go for a family dinner
Day 1,191
In between snowstorms...
One snow blizzard just passed, another is coming... "Kwiecień plecień poprzeplata, trochę zimy, trochę lata"