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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 3,115
Archery Field
Day 3,114
Morning water removal
VCs love to collect water over night... :(
Day 3,113
Day 3,117
One day, I'm gonna own a pinball machine! Just you wait.
Day 3,118
Showy Milkweed
Nothing to see here, just some showy Milkweed
Day 3,119
Day 3,121
Day 3,124
Day 3,120
Oh, right... HDR is a thing
Just some phone with the DSLR. Also... I forgot just how MASSIVE theses can get.
Day 3,123
Day 3,122
The cabin
Day 3,128
The gnomes have returned
Day 3,127
Dreams of sailin' away
Day 3,129
Sword and Shield
Night, I do battle with ground wasps.
Day 3,131
Day 3,132
Life at the beach
Day 3,134
Night Over the DH
Odd thing happened while uploading; it didn't included the date (had to manually add it). Took the picture with my Canon, the EXIF l...
Day 3,136
White banberry
Day 3,137
Day 3,130
White Admiral
Day 3,139
Was this even the same day?
Picture taken earlier in the day (while sweeping the site for trash). By the end of the day I had gone on a hospital run,...
Day 3,141
Day 3,143
Elusive Dragonfly
Tried to get a pic of the dragonfly hanging out on my hat.
Day 3,145
Old cars at the old cinema