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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 256/365
3 streak
Day 1,312
Leadership Olympics: Aftermath
Was out in the field today. Grab a quick pick of a shaving creamed colleague after a few passionate rounds of Cheese He...
Day 1,313
JJ Abrams would be proud...
... I mean, just look at that lens flair.
Day 1,314
It's a Family Camp Thing
Random pencil-toy with the coffee mugs? Must be time for Family Camp.
Day 1,315
A break.
Today I'm taking a break.
Day 1,316
The view from here...
Or: I'm a chicken. The composition of this isn't the best. But itll do. Sixty-two stories up isn't the place to lose the grip on...
Day 1,317
Obligatory CN Pic
When in Toronto, it is required to take a picture of the CN Tower. Also: 16K+ steps today.
Day 1,318
Day 1,319
Update on Birch
Looking better each day.
Day 1,320
Day 1,321
Sunset at Canoe Bay
Been under the weather that last couple of days (like, in bed by 9:00, kind of under the weather). Today... today I feel better.
Day 1,322
Found Surprises
Doing first aid checks and found and OLD document on the back of the Waterfront Shed. Think I'll use it for something down the road.
Day 1,323
First Aid
Finished inventory on the first aid cabinet. This is clean and tidy and organized. I give it about twelve minutes until it goes to hell in a...
Day 1,324
My ball and chain that I not so secretly love
Nearly thirty keys. I carry this ball of lock-openning fun with me about every day. #theme-holding
Day 1,325
River Cone
Day 1,326
The fuel of folks everywhere. #theme-holding
Day 1,327
Pine 4 Reno
Reno works continues. Pine 4 is coming along.
Day 1,328
Day Off Outfit
Checklist for an overcast day off: ☑Hawaiian Shirt, ☑Lens Coffee Mug, ☑CBC Day Six Ya... I've used the mug before, but it is a really i...
Day 1,329
Day 1,330
Another Recruit.
Both for the job and for tookapic. Waiting in Minden for the Can-Ar (bust that hits a dozen or so little towns north out of Toronto)...
Day 1,331
Bark Lodge Among the Pines
Long day of training. Still more tonight. Here's a quick picture of some of the team on the deck during a break in the lear...
Day 1,332
Portage Beach Fire Show
More training. This time some fire lighting skills at Portage Beach.
Day 1,333
Training Continues.
Tiana trying her hand at the Long Tension Traverse.
Day 1,334
Post-Movie, mid-walk, pre-drive window shopping.
In town to catch a movie (Angel Has Fallen... funny mid-credit scene at the end) and still need about...
Day 1,335
Not my desk
I'm off today, but am on call. Today's pic; the view from the front desk.