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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 2,042
Lazy Saturday kinda day.
Day 2,043
Unexpected Smils
Coming back from Minden today and what do I spy? Another Smiley Heart sticker. What 3 Words: relished.ledges.evoked
Day 2,044
Day 2,045
Checking the taps
A hiccup in the water system. Time to make sure the taps are still working. #theme-water
Day 2,046
Photography as a Tool (for fools)
Pictures are great for communicating things. Need to get a widget for the guys in town but have no idea what it is?...
Day 2,047
Day 2,048
Day 2,049
Dove on a Feeder
I see Mourning Doves often eating on the ground, or hanging out on the power line, or doing general dove things all the time. I don't...
Day 2,050
Been about thirty or so years
It's been about 30 years, give it take, since I've seen a caboose in the wild. I remember hearing that they were being p...
Day 2,051
Y not? Just a sad looking orienteering control marker. Maybe someday soon it'll be used again.
Day 2,052
Play in the Basement
Just messing around in the basement. #theme-mono
Day 2,053
White Water Lily and other things
So. Earlier this year ...or maybe it was last year... I joined the Green Party of Canada. For a couple of bucks I go...
Day 2,054
Honey Wagon Mornings
One thing I'm not gonna miss after the pandemic... Getting up at 6am to let in the honey wagon
Day 2,055
Grackles, Young and Old
a pair of grackles.
Day 2,056
Dragonfly Photobomb
Sunset shot with an unexpected guest or two.
Day 2,057
Sometimes your best bird picture of the day isn't a bird at all.
Day 2,058
Board Play
Sometimes, when I have a plan for a photo, I get distracted and end up just taking something silly so that I can play around with oddness i...
Day 2,059
Hurry up and wait
Spent a couple of hours just waiting today. Really boring.
Day 2,060
Elections and Cars
Went out for a drive today. Needed to pick up some birdseed (critically low) and some celery. The cars Beena making a knocking soun...
Day 2,061
Back in July I shared a picture of a decomposing turtle shell. It's been about five weeks or so, here's where we're at First: https://tookapic....
Day 2,062
Exception to the rule
Generally speaking, I don't like People. People are rude. People are loud. People suck. Individuals, however... Sometimes indivi...
Day 2,063
Day 2,064
Day 2,065
If chipmunks were as big as they sound, they'd be a meter and a half tall.