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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 269/365
2 streak
Day 1,389
Happy Birthday
Even if Dave's face doesn't convey it, it really did enjoy his birthday cupcake.
Day 1,422
Staff gifts
Wrapped soooooo many gifts. Hope the kids like 'em.
Day 1,424
Source the Photo
Work is a mess. The big opening of the Tuck Shop is a couple of days away. Our Christmas party is being revamped, and I need to ident...
Day 1,425
Waitin' For the Can-Ar
Long day isn't done yet. Pickin' up a colleague at the bus stop. Tomorrow night is all about good times and better company, but...
Day 1,428
The Pil Mystery.
In the main office's boardroom is a little box mounted on the wall. There is a switch and a light and that's about it. Also... it has...
Day 1,450
Christmas Eve.
Day 1,456
Long day of driving. Uninspired.... meh.
Day 1,472
Kinda Random
New poster holder thingy at work. Check out all them posters and things.
Day 1,495
Really Disappointed
Second attempt at posting.... Not re-writing my fun post... Short story: Dad got interviewed on the news.
Day 1,528
Trying not to complain.
But today wasn't very good. Spent about $500 on the car (regular maintenance) only to find out I'll need to come back next for...
Day 1,551
Day 1,604
Kinda hot today. Kinda dull. Kinda meh.
Day 1,633
Sparks a flying
Not sure whatsgoijg on, but the guys were talkin' about putting a hemi in the golf cart.
Day 1,655
Twenty Minute Queue
Was kinda hoping for no line ups today. Looks like everyone else had the same idea. On the plus side, it didn't rain. AND I rememb...
Day 1,697
A case of COVID...
Got me a small case of COVID-19. Here he is chilling with my other microb, Giardia, and the Dancin' Gnome.
Day 1,714
Not many more like this.
Soon it'll be to cold to sit out and enjoy the weather.
Day 1,731
Necromancer Garden
More things growing in the previously empty pot. I wonder what'll be.
Day 1,734
Stupid People
Here's a picture of our gate and the "Closed due to COVID" sign... except you can't see it because someone ripped it down. Wish people w...
Day 1,837
Let's do the Time Warp Again
In Canada we have a number of time zones, six to be exact. Five are 'normal'; as you move from one zone to the next the t...
Day 1,880
Went shopping in the big city today. The shopping carts have some funky new handles.... How odd.
Day 1,955
Mixed Feelings and Unclear Signals.
Finished packing up the Tuck Shop today. Just another asset the folks from head office are moving... Not sure what...
Day 2,046
Photography as a Tool (for fools)
Pictures are great for communicating things. Need to get a widget for the guys in town but have no idea what it is?...
Day 2,051
Y not? Just a sad looking orienteering control marker. Maybe someday soon it'll be used again.
Day 2,063