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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 269/365
2 streak
Day 2,080
Just the boardroom.
Day 2,129
My Organge Hat
I have a hat. It's orange. In the pre-Covid times I'd wear it while out with my students. For certain activities, we'd let the kids won...
Day 2,131
Low Effort, but with a story...
Just an update on the Fiber Optic Story: Bell stopped in yesterday and put in this box for the fiber. It's only taken...
Day 2,142
Day 2,143
Fan Art
Get it... because it's art with fans.? A YouTuber I listen to made a request for fan art for their channel and the very first thing that poppe...
Day 2,159
Tis the Season
Of too much Christmas music.
Day 2,160
Holiday Display
Just some small-town fun on County 121.
Day 2,171
Creatures of habitat
Normally I fill the feeder around 8:30 or 9 in the morning. In a few hours it’s all but empty. Today I didn’t get to it until alm...
Day 2,178
Home for a rest
Day 2,188
Not the Way to End the Year
Sadly, Betty White has passed away. All the jokes about "Sliced Bread being the best thing since Betty White" or the "Quic...
Day 2,218
Week 5: Something Familiar
Week 5: Something Familiar Something to remember from r/clondon52: "[My] everyday life, and what may be uninspiring to [me] may be fascinating to othe...
Day 2,271
SURPRISE in the change
I got a 1967 rabbit nickel in my change today. Not super rare, but rarer enough to warrant taking a picture and posting it to t...
Day 2,292
I hate waiting for meetings.
Day 2,306
What a day
It started by being attacked by a squirrel (charged me while I was filling the bird feeder), than it was running around flipping fuses to t...
Day 2,333
First of Who Knows How Many
Taking some photos of Ritchie (and me) around site. In normal years this would be used for the Year End Christmas Party; a...
Day 2,343
A day of waiting
Day 2,370
Was planning to maybe do some star photos today. Woke up dead tired. And now the clouds have rolled in (overcast with no hope of clearing). Might...
Day 2,373
Day 2,383
Yup, I got stuff on my sensor
Looks like I'll be making a trip into town sometime in the nearish future. I've got spots in the top left corner and a b...
Day 2,384
Day 2,410
August Hockey
World Juniors tonight! We beat Latvia, but it was closer than it shoulda been. Hoping they do better, but not really feeling it.
Day 2,415
Fishing or Wolf
I'm thinking this spider is one or the other. At first I was thinking Fishing Spider, but google was also suggesting it could be a wol...
Day 2,423
Other job
When I'm not busy with the fun stuff, I'm often called to do some remote IT-Monkey work. Basically, I know enough to answer basic questions...
Day 2,430
Low Ropes Rules
Second day of fall staff training. Today was pretty good, even if the weather doesn't want to cooperate. Got reintroduced to one of my...