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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 257/365
4 streak
Day 1,360
Closer and closer still
Another interior shot of the new store. So close....
Day 1,361
Sunset at the Marsh
One if my favourite spots. It's getting a bit chilly, but what little time is left in the season, I plan to get out and make some...
Day 1,362
Last Movie...?
It's getting late in the year for the local cinema. Might only be catching one more movie here until May of next year. Always bitter sw...
Day 1,363
Hitting the Ice
It's been more than twenty years since I curled last. Man... am I sore. It's going to take a long while to get back into.
Day 1,364
Maple Section
Out for a walk through the camp. Quick picture of the maples in their autumn colours.
Day 1,365
Another wetland
Behind the maintenance yard is a wetland. It isn't anything special, just a stretch of low laying area that got flooded and, well, nev...
Day 1,366
Playing with some Selective Colour
Out shooting today. I kinda like how this turned out.
Day 1,367
Post Range Power Walk
Did I bite off more than I can chew? Maybe. Am I going to give it my best? Hell's ya.
Day 1,368
I'm ready. Are you?
I'm ready. Are you? It often feels like I'm fighting a one man war against apathy and disengagement. Every election cycle I try to gently, but enthusi...
Day 1,369
Milky Way at Aspen Field
Tomorrow, something different. But for today, a night sky. Some post work in Lightroom, but all done as a single long exposur...
Day 1,370
Little mushrooms on a cold, but sunny, autumn day.
Title pretty much says it all. Hike the Fleming Trail (Auk Walk) this morning. Spotted a small clum...
Day 1,371
Old Pond, New Spot
This wasn't the image I thought I was going to share. A surprise clearing of the skies around sunset, changed that plan.
Day 1,372
Debate Viewing Party
#theme-tookapic-love What I love about my 365 Project, is that there is no judgment. I want to take a potato-quality picture? Sur...
Day 1,373
Pre-Pontoon Scenery
#theme-tookapic-love While it's fun to post hum-drum slice-of-life pictures, there is something to be said about sharing the spect...
Day 1,374
Morning walk
#theme-tookapic-love Just a picture I snapped on my morning walk. If it wasn't for my involvement with Tookapic who knows if I would have...
Day 1,375
Day 1,376
Hurry Hard
First night of the Friday Night Curling. It was an epic battle resulting in a 13 - 0 victory! For the other team. It was a very good night...
Day 1,377
Day 1,378
Frost on a Flat Tire Kinda Day
woke up this morning to frost... and a flat...
Day 1,379
Thirty Seconds Earlier
Nice quiet Thanksgiving Monday here. Nice opportunity to get caught up on some laundry. Half a minute after I took this I caugh...
Day 1,380
Twenty Years of Giant Pumpkins
For at least twenty years this house has had always giant pumpkins in their front yard. The first time I stopped was co...
Day 1,381
First day of ugly fall.
I split fall time in half; pretty fall and ugly fall (original... I know). Pretty Fall is all about the colours and smells and...
Day 1,382
Cold, damp, and dreary
Nothing more to sat than that really.
Day 1,383
Worse part of fall... the seasonal closure of the cinema. #theme-fall