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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 2,774
It's a camp thing
Gnomes have invaded family camp. Also known as "Friday".
Day 2,779
Day 2,781
First in a while
Day 2,776
Day 2,785
Day 2,788
I got nothing
Not being depressing or anything like that, cause I got lots of stuff. I mean ideas for today's picture.
Day 2,789
Day 2,804
Day 2,824
Day 2,883
Day 2,886
Buttons and Pins
Day 2,888
Day 2,909
Birds and Boardgames.
Day 2,919
School Prep
Gotta knock that snow off the car!
Day 2,567
Not even a year (or is it closer to two years)
I just don't know. Regardless, I don't have the receipt for these Under Armour shoes and I think the tr...
Day 2,569
Changing the Turn Single
In today's installment of "Adventures in Mechanical Stuff" Joe and Ritchie discover that it's a right royal pain in the ass t...
Day 2,593
Day 2,594
Super Bowl Sunday
Also a day for checking mail (one bill, one newsletter, one advertisement), for visiting the dump (six big bags of recycling and two...
Day 2,595
Straight Out Da Camera
Nothing fancy, just a chickadee with no edits.
Day 2,596
Blue Jay
Day 2,599
Another Chickadee
A bright, if not cold, day.
Day 2,601
Day 2,603
Another day of learning the ways of the plow
Day 2,606
Water bottles