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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 2,114
Last Flower of the Season
Day 2,115
I miss 'em...
Around this time of year, in the Before Times, I could have expected a number of college students to have come through the centre learni...
Day 2,116
Just another sunset after a particularly uneventful day.
Day 2,117
Random Cat Visit
Dropped some gear off at a friend's place today and got to hangout with her cat for a little bit. While I'm more of a dog person, thi...
Day 2,118
Pre-Double Feature Picture
In Peterborough for a double feature (Dune and James Bond). But first, a nature mural, with the Jade Palace (aka: the Minis...
Day 2,119
New Feeder...
... sorta. Bought this suet feeder last season, but none of the birds seemed interested (new = scary I guess). This time I left it out f...
Day 2,120
Was gonna shoot at the feeders this morning (even set-up a little mini-studio) but didn't get anything too exciting. Heard some ducks out o...
Day 2,121
Need to try here again
Maybe when it isn't so m'eh out.
Day 2,122
Mechanical Cabar Toss
Or maybe not ... Actually, it's the long awaited installation of the new pole for fiber optic.
Day 2,123
Shoulda brough a tripod
Out on the grounds today just looking for something to shoot. The beaver damn was recently opened and the water was running. S...
Day 2,124
Mist on the Marsh
Was gonna try for that moving water again today. Instead figured this was better.
Day 2,125
Why'd the (forest) chicken cross the road?
Probably because it wanted to frustrate me over the lack of Right Gear. The grouse (forest chicken) is in t...
Day 2,126
Another Day, Another Blue on the Post
Day 2,127
Jay on a Branch
Day 2,128
Relic from another time
Wildfire Wednesday: So I was walking the Rec Centre site tonight and found a little ceramic frog. It's kinda roughed up and la...
Day 2,129
My Organge Hat
I have a hat. It's orange. In the pre-Covid times I'd wear it while out with my students. For certain activities, we'd let the kids won...
Day 2,130
Just a quick shot of the pavilion. In pre-pandemic times I'd often joke that the word 'pavilion' was ancient Latin (as opposed to pig Latin)...
Day 2,131
Low Effort, but with a story...
Just an update on the Fiber Optic Story: Bell stopped in yesterday and put in this box for the fiber. It's only taken...
Day 2,132
Small world
Thus morning, while consuming some social media content, I learned of an interesting acquaintances connection. I turns out one of my furlo...
Day 2,133
Still no luck in the Juncos. Didn't even see any today. There was still a fair bit of suet left in the feeder by 4:00 in the afternoon, but c...
Day 2,134
Did you really just say that / No, it is not 4:30
Some folks just say the darndest things. Things that no mere words can describe how utterly ridiculo...
Day 2,135
Fog Advisory in Effect
Day 2,136
Morning by Tuck
Day 2,137
This Warning Label
Mobile photography exists, in part, to share the random world around us. Like this crazy label in the door well of the U-Haul. #the...