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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 2,608
The Big Tree
Just a painting of the Dining Hall. The large white pine to the left was called the Big Tree. Capital B, capital T.
Day 2,609
I guess headlights make sense... Maybe?
Noticed that the snowblower has headlights. I guess it's make sense if you are blowing at night or something.....
Day 2,612
Day 2,613
An afternoon of reading, draining hydraulic line (just one), and doing my taxes. It was actually a pretty okay day.
Day 2,620
Bird house and woodpeckers
out looking for the woodpecker this afternoon. It was near the old bird house, bu took off before I got too close.
Day 2,624
Day 2,625
The future
I've heard that we have fancy sci-fi car chargers in the County. Finally found 'em
Day 2,629
Just another day of putting random things in front of my lens. Today: a spotting scope
Day 2,632
Suet for you.
This winter I used a fairly generic suey cake (Suet Plus). It was pretty cheap too (like, maybe $2.00 a cake). Last week I ran out and t...
Day 2,634
And that's a Red-winged Blackbird
Another sign that spring is coming And another sign I should keep my big camera by the feeders.
Day 2,637
Something a bit different
Day 2,641
Probably not the safest idea.
Went to see the new Dungeons & Dragons movie. The roads were awful on my way in. Probably should have turned around and...
Day 2,643
Sharp-shinned Hawk?
I don't know my raptors really well. I'm leaning towards the hawk for this one (mostly because the internet-people think so.) Coul...
Day 2,648
Day 2,650
Hairy Woodpecker
Day 2,655
Car's Back
And I'm back in Wyoming for the weekend.
Day 2,657
Day 2,656
A rock
Just a painted rock.
Day 2,660
Purple Finch
Just a bird on a wire.
Day 2,662
Dark-eyed Junco
Little junco being all tricky to photography today.
Day 2,663
Blue Jay
Day 2,665
Making time
I've driven past this abandoned garage hundreds of time over the years. Today I finally stopped to make a photo.
Day 2,671
Leucistic(?) Red-winged Blackbird
Odd colouration on this blackbird
Day 2,679