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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 1,468
Day 1,486
Another Old House
An abandoned house along Monck Rd (between Orillia and Norwood). I like this old buildings. They've got character and stories. Who l...
Day 1,532
COVID-19 Sam
Things are getting... more... around here. Lots of emails and notices about events shutting down. Lots of walking on eggshells. Lots of w...
Day 1,547
Too much time
Lots of time on my hands of late. Finding new and interesting things to keep myself good. #theme-wtf
Day 1,595
Trout Lily and Bee
When I go out to intentionally tooapic... takeapic... work on this project I find that more often than not I either use one of the...
Day 1,603
Walkin around the site
Day 1,693
White-faced Meadowhawk
Last summer dragonfly.
Day 1,757
Kinda Pissed
This little Red-breasted Nuthatch was really pissed off today. While I was shooting today he kept buzzing me and squawking in a most anno...
Day 1,765
Day 1,778
Happy Little Chickadee
Even with the storm knocking over my feeders and damaging the pole (replacement options are being looked at) my birds still dem...
Day 1,780
Day 1,846
Going through my catalog last night, I'm just starting to realize just how many feeder birds I shoot. Like... a lot. So here's something that isn...
Day 1,864
Another Day of Grosbeaks
Seems like most of my bird shots of late include at least a single Evening Grosbeak. Not gonna apologies for it either; I loo...
Day 1,883
Snow Squalls
A day for blowing snow, and folks who don't know how to use headlights.
Day 1,904
Common Grackle
Loud, noisy, with an otherwise ugly call, my Grackles have returned. This blackbird tends to hog the feeders in largish flocks... ... a...
Day 1,910
Another ID shot
Hard time getting an ID on this little guy. Was thinking it was a Pine Siskin (that'd be a first for the year), turned out to be a Red...
Day 1,920
Song Sparrow
A New-to-Me bird!
Day 1,950
Funny and a little annoying
The Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers have learned that tapping on the glass is rather loud.
Day 2,091
Dawn at the Boat Launch
Day Two of Safety Boat Adventures.
Day 2,161
Back to Basics
Been in a lazy-bones slump recently. Haven't bothered to move the BIG LENS upstairs in about forever. Gonna start to do that again.
Day 2,233
Love Birds
Get it, because it's Valentine's Day
Day 2,235
They Do Exist!
First Red-breasted Nuthatch in FOREVER!!! ("Forever" is equal to 76 days)
Day 2,261
Day 2,359