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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 2,708
The Beaver
An old cinema in Minden
Day 2,775
Quick cleaning break
Day 2,914
Day 2,916
Another New Year's in Sarnia
Day 2,918
Schedule Change
Things looked great for the new term. I had Friday's off and no crazy late classes. Until I did. Still have Friday off (no big thing o...
Day 2,565
Out of focus
Bright sunny day today and the chickadees were looking for stuff on the ground. The shadows/lights made for some interesting pictures. I...
Day 2,566
*NOT* a New Year's Resolution
NOT a New Year's Resolution Been wanting to see if a treadmill would help with my fitness/exercise goals. Colleague had one laying about, so let's giv...
Day 2,573
Looking for Scraps
In the late afternoon the Chickadees will often hang out beneath the feeders looking for scraps. What's odd about this: There is st...
Day 2,574
Nuthatch in the tree.
One of those "Oh my god it's finally sort of where I want it to be" kind of shots.
Day 2,580
Hunkered Down
So. Much. Snow. No reason to go anywhere so I think I'll just stay in.
Day 2,581
Look at that snow fly!
Ritchie was out with the blower this morning. Always amazes me just how far that snow gets thrown.
Day 2,592
Laundry Day
Day 2,597
False Spring
It feels like springtime. Even my birds are kind of acting like it's Spring. But this is Canada... Winter will be here for another fourte...
Day 2,598
Play / Not Feelin' It
The faux-spring funk has hit.
Day 2,600
Great Backyard Bird Count: Day 2
Great Backyard Bird Count: Day 2 Nothing exciting on my GBBC so far this year. Some Hairy woodpeckers, ravens, various nuthatches, chickadees, and gro...
Day 2,604
Feelin' kind of gassy
And that's a good thing, on propane delivery day.
Day 2,607
Garbage, but it counts
I as 98% certain I heard a Pileated Woodpecker. This photo pushes that certainty to 100%
Day 2,628
Clip On Sunglass Filter
Just messing around on the driveway. Held my low-tech clip-on sunglasses over the cellphone's lens. (My high-tech automagic ey...
Day 2,630
Day 2,640
So very frustrated!
The damned squirrels have learned how to bypass the baffler! Now I need to figure out: A) how they are doing it and, B) how to sto...
Day 2,646
Ice and Thunder
Woke up to thunder rumblings. The trees and feeder were laden with ice. Thunder and lightning throughout the day.
Day 2,649
Day 2,653
Just a 'coon checking for tasty treats.
Day 2,664
White-throated Sparrow
Spent about half an hour with the camera waiting for this bird to come back.