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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 257/365
4 streak
Day 1,432
Two minutes after Five
And this is the office. It's almost as if it's the weekend and everyone had things they'd rather be doing... go figured. As for...
Day 1,433
We opened the centre to the public to come and see the Varied Thrush that's been here since Tuesday. In total we had a couple of dozen or...
Day 1,434
The Varied Thrush continues to be super amazing! I hope it is enjoying it's time here.
Day 1,435
Day 1,436
Day 1,437
Post Eye Laps
Had those damned drops in my eyes today, the ones that dilate everything. Could see enough to walk laps around the mall for an hour or s...
Day 1,438
Paddle Shack under Fresh Snow
Nice light fluffy snow is the best kind of snow. It just makes everything look so fresh and clean. Also, because I want...
Day 1,439
Mini Snow Man
Or is it a Snow Babyy Yoda?
Day 1,440
An otherwise damp amd dreary day
Inspite of the weather for most of the day, it turned out to end out pretty not bad.
Day 1,441
Sam and Fat Jabba
The Varied Thrush (Sam) typically bosses around the squirrel when they're on the ground, but Jabba rules the pine.
Day 1,442
Renewal Day
Just signed up for another 365 days of tookapic awesomeness. Today may have been m'eh, but it really was a Good day
Day 1,443
Not a Varied Thrush
Captured a pair of squirrels fighting. Looked fun.
Day 1,444
Day 1,445
Day 1,446
Day Before Heading Home.
Taken off tomorrow to visit the folks back in the county for a week or so. Just need to get some laundry done before hand. An...
Day 1,447
Home for the holidays.
Day 1,448
Day 1,449
Oak on a Back Road at Sunset
Out this evening shooting. Didn't get anything good until I was heading back. Pulled a U-turn to grab this oak. Turned ou...
Day 1,450
Christmas Eve.
Day 1,451
Christmas Day Fire
Day 1,452
Just a book shelf at the folks place.
Day 1,453
Isabella and Broadway
At the corner of Isabella and Broadway is an old Victorian house. They've had some niffty holiday lights for the last couple-a-f...
Day 1,454
Day 1,455